Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Coffee with a World Changer - Gracie Gordon

I'm excited to introduce a new post series titled "Coffee with a World Changer"! Living in New York City you have the opportunity to brush up against and stumble upon people doing such unique and interesting things with their lives. I'm in awe sometimes of the visions and goals people have for themselves. I hope this series will show you that you yourself are a World Changer. You don't have to discover the cure to cancer or invent the next hot social media platform to be considered a World Changer in my eyes. We all occupy different streets, you are where you are for a purpose so own it!

Here is my definition of a World Changer: Someone who lives their life to the full each and every day with purpose.

Qualities of a World Changer:
Has vision for their future.
Thinks of others.
Knows what they do is bigger than themselves.
Does not seek recognition.
Desires to influence some sphere of life in a positive way.

I hope these posts will inspire and encourage you to occupy your road of life in the best way possible!

Today I would like to introduce you to Gracie Gordon. I met Gracie about 3 years ago through my friend Jessi (Check out her Blog - Modern Wonderland). We worked together to brainstorm the beginnings of the organization FreelyBe, and have remained friends since. She is the author of the Blog Girl Meets Life and just launch her jewelry line Speakable. I chose to highlight Gracie as a "World Changer" because she is a great example of seeing vision for your life and going after it. I am a huge fan of her Blog and love the heart behind Speakable. Here are some snapshots from our chat at Irving Farm Coffee Roasters.

Name 3 words to describe your life right now. 
Adventure, Faith, Love

One word to describe what you do for a living.

Tell me about Girl Meets Life.
I have been blogging for 4 years. I started blogging in college because I loved writing and getting my voice out there. It was a hobby and I did not think it would last. But, I started gaining followers and decided to stick with it. It is a lifestyle blog and I cover healthy living, fashion, relationship, beauty, and NYC. 

What is your favorite thing to write about?
I love writing about life lessons. They come to me at the most random times, they are a bit God inspired. I'll sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and know I'm supposed to write about certain topics. 

What is the vision behind Speakable?
I love how much power words can hold...I'm fascinated about how they change the way we feel and think about something. 

How do you come up with the words that go on the necklaces?
I come up with the different themes for the collections...I keep a running list of words that are on my mind and on my heart. I'll then go to my closest friends and ask them which words resonate with them the most and why. Without even trying the words come together with certain themes. These themes are the collections which will be coming out every couple of months. I really want Speakable to be almost a lifestyle; for people to really embrace and identify with the words that they choose. I want the necklaces to start a conversation. 


(Photos c/o Speakable)

What is a goal you have for the next 6-12months?
I want to see more collaborations. I think networking and partnering with people is the best way to do business and life - I just love sharing vision and ideas with other people. I would also love to see Speakable necklace being worn all over the world. 

What is the best advice you've been given recently?
A quote I saw on Pinterest..."Create the things you wish existed." Creating something new can be scary, to create something new you really have to put yourself out there and you might fail. I really had to overcome that fear in both my Blog and Speakable...but I realized that if I don't create these things, who else will? 

Favorite shopping spot currently? 
TopShop, Zara, ASOS, Intermix

Favorite restaurant in NYC?
I have so many! For dinner I love Alta, Beauty & Essex, Feast, Pure Food and Wines. For brunch Freeman's, Extra Virgin, and Prune. And then there's my favorite secret find/hole in the wall Empanada Mama

What do you like to do in NYC?
I love walking around or riding my bike exploring the city. During the day, when it's warmer out, I like going to Smorgasborg in Brooklyn. At night, I love Comedy Cellar in the Village...never gets old. Lately, I've been loving speakeasies (like Apotheke) and good old dive bars. 

Thank you so much Gracie for taking time to talk about Girl Meets Life and Speakable. Naturally Ginger is 100% you and excited to see your goals become a reality in the near future! 



  1. Yay, thanks for featuring me Dee! xoxo

  2. D, love this series you are doing! Keep inspiring lady. Great to see you yesterday. x
